Meeting Recap

meeting recapThe regular writing craft meeting took place Tuesday October 16th at 6:00 pm. Eight members were in attendance: Barb M., Barbara C., Alice, Catherine, Donna, Lynn, Mindy and Diane.

We had a short discussion on book printers and self-publishing, then a 15 minute discussion on filter words. To learn more about filter words, visit Diane’s blog post: Filter Words – Who Knew? Not Me.

From our homework, each member answered the following two questions:

  1. What is it you want out of your writing?
  2. How do you define writing and publishing success?

There was a wide range of answers including the overwhelming urge to tell stories, to make money, and to touch readers with their stories. Success meant readers discussing their stories, looking for the next book and having an emotional response to the stories. Making enough for financial freedom and winning awards were also considered success.

Also from the homework file, members introduced the main character from the story they plan to write between now and June 2019.

A quick presentation was given on the elements of Act I.


Write the first scene (or more) of the story involving the character created from the character sheet exercise. If possible, write all of Act I. Choose approximately 400 words to read to the group in November.

The story written over the winter can be any size, from a 2,000-word short story to an 100,000-word novel. It’s up to the writer.


Write in Sprints: This means set the clock for 20 or 25 minutes, then write. At the end of the sprint, take a 5 to 10-minute break. Sweep the floor, put laundry in the machine, take the dog out for a pee, run to get the mail, take a walk around the yard, etc. Then come back to do another sprint. Keep track on a sheet of paper and colour in every sprint you complete. Do one or as many sprints a day as you want.

Don’t Break the Chain: Write every day. Set the same word count or make different ones up every day. But write a minimum of 100 words a day. If you write every day, the story stays fresh in your mind, and it is easier to keep writing. Make it a habit, and it becomes a life habit.


The October meeting for the East Hants Writers’ Group focussed on the craft of writing takes place Tuesday October 16th. As usual, we will meet at the Elmsdale Public Library, Elmsdale, East Hants, Nova Scotia, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

We are now at capacity membership. Anyone interested in joining our group will go on a waiting list.



Members must answer these two questions. They do not have to share the answers with the group, but it is important they know the answers to these questions.

  1. What is it you want out of your writing?
  2. How do you define writing and publishing success?


Complete the character sheets sent out through email and prepare to introduce the main character (or main characters) of the story you’ll write over the winter.

Hope to see all members there.

Meeting Recap

Meeting RecapSix members and one guest attended the meeting: Lynn, Diane, Art, John (and daughter), Donna, and Emma.

We began by updating everyone on what writing accomplishments and activities we engaged in since our last meeting (October 6th).

Next on the agenda, we discussed goals and the importance of setting them.

Why Are Goals Important?

  1. They keep us focussed on the task.
  2. They keep reminding us the task needs to be done.
  3. Goals challenge us to do something by a particular date.
  4. Goals keep us accountable. In other words, if I say, “I’ll get this story written some time,” there’s no thought that I didn’t get it done because there was no set date. If I allow a personal deadline to pass without getting the story written, I can ask myself: Why did this happen? Do I really want to do this? If do want to do this, how can I make it happen?
  5. Goals allow us to see how much we’ve accomplished, giving us a boost to do more.
  6. Some people need goals to motivate them to do things.

Everyone wrote a goal on a piece of paper, put it in an envelope and sealed it. Diane gathered the envelopes to hand out at the next writers’ meeting.

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October Meeting Reminder

This is a reminder that the next meeting takes place tomorrow night, Tuesday October 20th at 6:00 pm, at the Elmsdale Library. The counter to the left of this post counts down the days to the next meeting.

Reminder: We will be doing a reading exercise. So don’t forget your 500-word (or so) short story. Print one copy in an easy to read font and place it on the counter, face down, when you walk into the meeting room. Please, do NOT put your name on the story. Stories are to be read anonymously.

We’ll also have a mini workshop.

And…lastly…think of one writing goal you’d like to accomplish between now and the October meeting. This time, I won’t forget the envelopes.

*Please note the new times: 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Recap of October’s Meeting

Quote 01On October 15th, the East Hants Writers Group met at the Elmsdale Library.

Diane brought several examples of books printed by various printers including Friesens and CreateSpace. These were discussed. It was followed by talk of including an author photo within the book or on the back cover.

The five members present discussed Diane’s writing submitted at the September meeting. Then Jayne shared a short piece for review.

The comma was discussed regarding separating two independent clauses joined by ‘and’. Here’s what I’ve found on Purdue OWL: If the comma can be replaced with a period and the ‘and’ removed, and the sentence(s) still make sense, then a comma is needed.

  • The rain fell on the field, and the wind blew the plastic against the shed. [The rain fell on the field. The wind blew the plastic against the shed.]
  • The dogs continued to yelp at the geese overhead, and the cat sat on the sill watching with interest. [The dogs continued to yelp at the geese overhead. The cat sat on the sill watching with interest.]
  • Dragons of all colours took flight, and the dwarf who commanded them stood on the ridge. [Dragons of all colours took flight. The dwarf who commanded them stood on the ridge.]

The next writers meeting is scheduled for Tuesday November 19, 2013, and then we break until January.